Sized for a small studio office, custom desk and triangular side table with soft, contemporary styling and construction made to withstand heavy use.
Durable, upright, lots of space in the seat, and a shelf underneath, these chairs have a spot for you, your book, your shoes, and your bag.
Qash - meaning cord in Arabic - used in a modern take on a classic footstool found in many Lebanese households.
A marriage of furniture making techniques both new and old - CNC Routing and Caning - technology and tradition all wrapped into one stylish package.
This front hall favourite is here to help you take a load off - whether you’re tying or untying.
Apartment sized tribute to a classic European countryside bench design. 
Apartment sized tribute to a classic European countryside bench design. Slim and sturdy so your daily luxuries can be at hand when space is at a premium.
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